Fill to bottom
Sparkline with Intersect fill to bottom =
// developed by Kerry Kolosko
VAR topLineColour = "blue"
VAR bottomLineColour = "magenta"
// "Date" field used in this example along the X axis
VAR XMinDate = MIN(financials[Date])
VAR XMaxDate = MAX(financials[Date])
// Obtain overall min and overall max measure values when evaluated for each date
VAR YMinValue = MINX(Values(financials[Date]),CALCULATE([SUM Profit]))
VAR YMaxValue = MAXX(Values(financials[Date]),CALCULATE([SUM Profit]))
// Build table of X & Y coordinates and fit to 50 x 150 viewbox
VAR SparklineTable = ADDCOLUMNS(
"X",INT(150 * DIVIDE(financials[Date] - XMinDate, XMaxDate - XMinDate)),
"Y",INT(50 * DIVIDE([SUM Profit] - YMinValue,YMaxValue - YMinValue)))
// Concatenate X & Y coordinates to build the sparkline
VAR Lines = CONCATENATEX(SparklineTable,[X] & "," & 50-[Y]," ", financials[Date])
// Y-Intersect to divide line colour
VAR lineIntersection = AVERAGEX(Values(financials[Date]),CALCULATE([SUM Profit]))
VAR intersectScaled = INT(50 * DIVIDE(lineIntersection - YMinValue,YMaxValue - YMinValue))
VAR Defs =
<clipPath id='cut-bottom'>
<rect x='0' y='0' width='150' height='" & intersectScaled & "' />
<clipPath id='cut-top'>
<rect x='0' y='" & intersectScaled & "' width='150' height='" & 50-intersectScaled & "' />
// Add to SVG, and verify Data Category is set to Image URL for this measure (for non-table visuals remove IF HASONEVALUE)
"data:image/svg+xml;utf8," &
"<svg xmlns='' x='0px' y='0px' viewBox='-5 -5 160 60' >" & Defs &
"<polyline id='bottomArea' fill='"&bottomLineColour&"' fill-opacity='0.3' stroke='" & bottomLineColour & "' stroke-width='0' points='0 50 " & Lines & " 150 50 Z' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round' clip-path='url(#cut-top)' />" &
"<polyline id='bottomLine' fill='none' fill-opacity='0.3' stroke='" & bottomLineColour & "' stroke-width='3' points='" & Lines & "' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round' clip-path='url(#cut-top)' />" &
"<polyline id='topArea' fill='"&topLineColour&"' fill-opacity='0.3' stroke='" & topLineColour & "' stroke-width='0' points='0 " & intersectScaled & " " & Lines & " 150 " & intersectScaled & " Z' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round' clip-path='url(#cut-bottom)' />" &
"<polyline fill='none' stroke='" & topLineColour & "' stroke-width='3' points='" & Lines & "' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round' clip-path='url(#cut-bottom)' />" &
"<line x1='0' y1='" & intersectScaled & "' x2='150' y2='" & intersectScaled & "' stroke ='grey' stroke-width ='1' stroke-dasharray='5,5' />" &
Fill to Intercept
Sparkline with Intersect fill to intersect =
// developed by Kerry Kolosko
VAR topLineColour = "blue"
VAR bottomLineColour = "magenta"
// "Date" field used in this example along the X axis
VAR XMinDate = MIN(financials[Date])
VAR XMaxDate = MAX(financials[Date])
// Obtain overall min and overall max measure values when evaluated for each date
VAR YMinValue = MINX(Values(financials[Date]),CALCULATE([SUM Profit]))
VAR YMaxValue = MAXX(Values(financials[Date]),CALCULATE([SUM Profit]))
// Build table of X & Y coordinates and fit to 50 x 150 viewbox
VAR SparklineTable = ADDCOLUMNS(
"X",INT(150 * DIVIDE(financials[Date] - XMinDate, XMaxDate - XMinDate)),
"Y",INT(50 * DIVIDE([SUM Profit] - YMinValue,YMaxValue - YMinValue)))
// Concatenate X & Y coordinates to build the sparkline
VAR Lines = CONCATENATEX(SparklineTable,[X] & "," & 50-[Y]," ", financials[Date])
// Y-Intersect to divide line colour
VAR lineIntersection = AVERAGEX(Values(financials[Date]),CALCULATE([SUM Profit]))
VAR intersectScaled = INT(50 * DIVIDE(lineIntersection - YMinValue,YMaxValue - YMinValue))
VAR Defs =
<clipPath id='cut-bottom'>
<rect x='0' y='0' width='150' height='" & intersectScaled & "' />
<clipPath id='cut-top'>
<rect x='0' y='" & intersectScaled & "' width='150' height='" & 50-intersectScaled & "' />
// Add to SVG, and verify Data Category is set to Image URL for this measure (for non-table visuals remove IF HASONEVALUE)
"data:image/svg+xml;utf8," &
"<svg xmlns='' x='0px' y='0px' viewBox='-5 -5 160 60' >" & Defs &
"<polyline id='bottomArea' fill='"&bottomLineColour&"' fill-opacity='0.3' stroke='" & bottomLineColour & "' stroke-width='0' points='0 " & intersectScaled & " " & Lines & " 150 " & intersectScaled & " Z' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round' clip-path='url(#cut-top)' />" &
"<polyline id='bottomLine' fill='none' fill-opacity='0.3' stroke='" & bottomLineColour & "' stroke-width='3' points='" & Lines & "' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round' clip-path='url(#cut-top)' />" &
"<polyline id='topArea' fill='"&topLineColour&"' fill-opacity='0.3' stroke='" & topLineColour & "' stroke-width='0' points='0 " & intersectScaled & " " & Lines & " 150 " & intersectScaled & " Z' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round' clip-path='url(#cut-bottom)' />" &
"<polyline fill='none' stroke='" & topLineColour & "' stroke-width='3' points='" & Lines & "' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round' clip-path='url(#cut-bottom)' />" &
"<line x1='0' y1='" & intersectScaled & "' x2='150' y2='" & intersectScaled & "' stroke ='grey' stroke-width ='2' stroke-dasharray='5,5' />" &