Gradient Area Sparkline with last point

To use in a singular visual

Opaque Area Sparkline (no one value) bright = 
// Static line color - use %23 instead of # for Firefox compatibility (Measure Derived from Eldersveld Modified by Kolosko)
VAR LineColour = "%23118DFF"
VAR PointColour = "white"
VAR Defs = "<defs>
    <linearGradient id='grad' x1='0' y1='25' x2='0' y2='50' gradientUnits='userSpaceOnUse'>
        <stop stop-color='#118DFF' offset='0' />
        <stop stop-color='#118DFF' offset='0.3' />
        <stop stop-color='white' offset='1' />
// "Date" field used in this example along the X axis
VAR XMinDate = MIN(financials[Date])
VAR XMaxDate = MAX(financials[Date])

// Obtain overall min and overall max measure values when evaluated for each date
VAR YMinValue = MINX(Values(financials[Date]),CALCULATE([SUM Gross Sales]))
VAR YMaxValue = MAXX(Values(financials[Date]),CALCULATE([SUM Gross Sales]))

// Build table of X & Y coordinates and fit to 50 x 150 viewbox
VAR SparklineTable = ADDCOLUMNS(
        "X",INT(150 * DIVIDE(financials[Date] - XMinDate, XMaxDate - XMinDate)),
        "Y",INT(50 * DIVIDE([SUM Gross Sales] - YMinValue,YMaxValue - YMinValue)))

// Concatenate X & Y coordinates to build the sparkline
VAR Lines = CONCATENATEX(SparklineTable,[X] & "," & 50-[Y]," ", financials[Date])

// Last data points on the line
VAR LastSparkYValue = MAXX( FILTER(SparklineTable, financials[Date] = XMaxDate), [Y])
VAR LastSparkXValue = MAXX( FILTER(SparklineTable, financials[Date] = XMaxDate), [X])

// Add to SVG, and verify Data Category is set to Image URL for this measure
    "data:image/svg+xml;utf8," & 
    --- gradient---
    "<svg xmlns='' x='0px' y='0px' viewBox='-7 -7 164 64'>" & Defs & 
     "<polyline fill='url(#grad)' fill-opacity='0.3' stroke='transparent' 
      stroke-width='0' points=' 0 50 " & Lines & 
      " 150 150 Z '/>" &
    --- Lines---
        fill='transparent' stroke='" & LineColour & "' 
        stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round' 
        stroke-width='3' points=' " & Lines & 
      " '/>" &
    --- Last Point---
        "<circle cx='"& LastSparkXValue & "' cy='" & 50 - LastSparkYValue & "' r='4' stroke='" & LineColour & "' stroke-width='3' fill='" & PointColour & "' />" &

To use in a table or matrix

Opaque Area Sparkline (no one value) bright = 
// Static line color - use %23 instead of # for Firefox compatibility (Measure Derived from Eldersveld Modified by Kolosko)
VAR LineColour = "%23118DFF"
VAR PointColour = "white"
VAR Defs = "<defs>
    <linearGradient id='grad' x1='0' y1='25' x2='0' y2='50' gradientUnits='userSpaceOnUse'>
        <stop stop-color='#118DFF' offset='0' />
        <stop stop-color='#118DFF' offset='0.3' />
        <stop stop-color='white' offset='1' />
// "Date" field used in this example along the X axis
VAR XMinDate = MIN(financials[Date])
VAR XMaxDate = MAX(financials[Date])

// Obtain overall min and overall max measure values when evaluated for each date
VAR YMinValue = MINX(Values(financials[Date]),CALCULATE([SUM Gross Sales]))
VAR YMaxValue = MAXX(Values(financials[Date]),CALCULATE([SUM Gross Sales]))

// Build table of X & Y coordinates and fit to 50 x 150 viewbox
VAR SparklineTable = ADDCOLUMNS(
        "X",INT(150 * DIVIDE(financials[Date] - XMinDate, XMaxDate - XMinDate)),
        "Y",INT(50 * DIVIDE([SUM Gross Sales] - YMinValue,YMaxValue - YMinValue)))

// Concatenate X & Y coordinates to build the sparkline
VAR Lines = CONCATENATEX(SparklineTable,[X] & "," & 50-[Y]," ", financials[Date])

// Last data points on the line
VAR LastSparkYValue = MAXX( FILTER(SparklineTable, financials[Date] = XMaxDate), [Y])
VAR LastSparkXValue = MAXX( FILTER(SparklineTable, financials[Date] = XMaxDate), [X])

// Add to SVG, and verify Data Category is set to Image URL for this measure
    "data:image/svg+xml;utf8," & 
    --- gradient---
    "<svg xmlns='' x='0px' y='0px' viewBox='-7 -7 164 64'>" & Defs & 
     "<polyline fill='url(#grad)' fill-opacity='0.3' stroke='transparent' 
      stroke-width='0' points=' 0 50 " & Lines & 
      " 150 150 Z '/>" &
    --- Lines---
        fill='transparent' stroke='" & LineColour & "' 
        stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round' 
        stroke-width='3' points=' " & Lines & 
      " '/>" &
    --- Last Point---
        "<circle cx='"& LastSparkXValue & "' cy='" & 50 - LastSparkYValue & "' r='4' stroke='" & LineColour & "' stroke-width='3' fill='" & PointColour & "' />" &


  1. Hi Kerry,

    They look amazing! When I try with my dataset, I cannot see the border of the line, I only see a blue rectangle. It looks like the top of the area chart was cut off. Do you have any guess why? I appreciate any tips you might have. Kind regards.

  2. Good job. I’ve tried a lot but I can’t figure out how to adapt this to work at the month level on the X-axis.

  3. Hello Kerry,
    When I try template– gradient area sparkline with last point with my dataset, I cannot see the graph, I only see a circle point. Please help me with suggestions.
    Thank you.
    Kind regards.

  4. Hello Ms Kerry,
    Hope you are fine and doing well,

    as i tried this code , in this code why [sum gross sale] need in a measure, ?
    As my table
    Date Planned %
    and financials date i changed with my dates, but [sum gross sale] need to change with [ Planned %] but in code it not showing maybe it ‘s not a measure ? how to solve ?

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