Progress Callout

Progress Callout

(for use with tables, to use elsewhere remove the IF HASONEVALUE)

Adjust the svg width height and viewbox to fit text

Callout Progress = 
--- Field to sort the measures by in a table ---
VAR SORT = DIVIDE(SUM(Projects[Consumed Budget]),SUM(Projects[Budget]))*100
--- Progress Bar Info ---
VAR PERCENTAGEFILL = Max(Projects[Progress %])*100
VAR BarColour = "Navy"
"data:image/svg+xml;utf8," & 
"<svg desc = '" & SORT & "' width='100' height='30' viewBox='-2 -2 105 20' xmlns='' xmlns:xlink='' display= 'block'  overflow='visible'>
<rect id='track' x='0' y='15' rx='0' ry='0' width='100' height='10' fill='#D0D0D0' />
<rect id='fill' x='0' y='15' rx='0' ry='0' width="& "'"& PERCENTAGEFILL &"'"&" height='10' fill='"&BarColour&"'></rect>
<text x='0' y='8' font-weight='bold' font-family='Segoe UI, sans-serif' >"&FORMAT(PERCENTAGEFILL/100, "0%")&"</text>
, BLANK())

State Callout

State = 
VAR Stage = MAX (Projects[Project Stage])
VAR Colour = SWITCH ( Stage,
                "Execute", "Green",
                "Ideate", "Orange",
                "Plan", "Navy")
VAR Box = "<rect id='track' x='0' y='3' rx='10' ry='10' width='100' height='20' fill='"&Colour&"' stroke='#D0D0D0' stroke-width='0'></rect>"
VAR Callout = "<text x='5' y='18' fill='white' font-weight='bold' font-family='Segoe UI, sans-serif' >"&Stage&"</text>"
"data:image/svg+xml;utf8," & 
"<svg width='100' height='30' viewBox='-2 -2 105 20' xmlns='' xmlns:xlink='' display= 'block'  overflow='visible'>"
& Box & Callout &
, BLANK())

State Callout Variable Width Rectangle

State Variable Width Rectangle = 
VAR Stage = MAX (Projects[Project Risk])
VAR BackgroundColour = SWITCH ( Stage,
                "High", "Maroon",
                "Medium", "Orange",
                "Low", "Navy")
VAR FontColour = "white"

"data:image/svg+xml;utf8," & 
"<svg width='100' height='30' viewBox='-2 -2 105 20'  xmlns='' xmlns:xlink='' display= 'block'  overflow='visible'>"
    <filter x='-0.1' y='-0.1' width='1.2' height='1.2' id='solid'>
      <feFlood flood-color='"& BackgroundColour &"'/>
      <feComposite in='SourceGraphic' operator='xor' />
  <text filter='url(#solid)' x='5' y='18' fill='" & FontColour & "' font-weight='bold' font-family='Segoe UI, sans-serif' >" & Stage &" </text>" &
, BLANK())

State Callout Variable Width Pill

State Variable Width = 
VAR Stage = MAX (Projects[Project Risk])
VAR Width = (LEN(Stage)+1)*11
VAR Colour = SWITCH ( Stage,
                "High", "Maroon",
                "Medium", "Orange",
                "Low", "Navy")
VAR Box = "<rect id='track' x='0' y='3' rx='10' ry='10' width='"&Width&"' height='20' fill='"&Colour&"' stroke='#D0D0D0' stroke-width='0'></rect>"
VAR Callout = "<text x='5' y='18' fill='white' font-weight='bold' font-family='Segoe UI, sans-serif' >"&Stage&"</text>"

"data:image/svg+xml;utf8," & 
"<svg width='100' height='30' viewBox='-2 -2 105 20' xmlns='' xmlns:xlink='' display= 'block'  overflow='visible'>"
& Box & Callout &
, BLANK())


  1. genial, muchas gracias por compartir… Tengo una duda, cómo haces para que la categoría del proyecto no se repita por cada proyecto y solo te muestre una única vez?

  2. “Callout Progress ” seem fit with each cell in the matrix. However, when I make it , the height of the cell seem too big, is there any way to adjust it?

      1. Can’t reduce height of row . If reduce the image size on formatting pane , the state callout will cut off, please advise.

  3. Pues he implementado el codigo en una tabla para oder ver el efecto y el resultado es que la visualizacion es casi casi diminuta y no consigo configurarla para que el tamaño sea adecuado

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