Formatting Locale, Values and Tooltips in Deneb

Published Categorized as DataViz, Deneb, How To's, Vega-Lite 2 Comments on Formatting Locale, Values and Tooltips in Deneb

When building a Deneb custom visual for a client I came across a scenario whereby the currency within the visual showed dollars in Bing browsers but British pounds in other browsers, despite the core visuals displaying dollars across all browsers.

Thanks to a little help from DMP, this was resolved by using pbiFormat and manually specifying a locale in the options parameter

              "text": {
                "field": "value",
                "aggregate": "sum",
                "type": "quantitative",
                "format" : "$##0,.0k'",
                "formatType" : "pbiFormat",
                "options" : {"cultureSelector": "en-US"}

I also needed to add additional values to the tooltips, which can be done in the encoding block of the Mark.

Each tooltip line can have a different display name and format.

"encoding: {
   "tooltip": [
                "field": "cat",
                "type": "nominal",
                "title": "Category"
                "field": "value",
                "type": "quantitative",
                "title": "Value",
                "format": ".3f"
                "field": "Date",
                "type": "temporal",
                "timeUnit" : "yearmonth",
                "title": "Event",
                "format": "%B of %Y"

Here shows an example of a default tooltip enabled within Deneb

"mark": {
        "type": "rect",
        "tooltip": true

And here shows a formatted tooltip

"mark": {
        "type": "rect",
        "tooltip": true
"encoding": {
        "tooltip": [
                "field": "State",
                "type": "ordinal",
                "title": "State"
                "field": "Month",
                "type": "ordinal",
                "title": "Month"
                "field": "Value",
                "type": "quantitative",
                "title": "No. of Marriages",
                "format": ",.2r"
                "field": "State Value",
                "type": "quantitative",
                "title": "Proportion to Max State Value",
                "format": ".2%"

More formatting options can be found here:


  1. Hello, Kerry,
    I’m new to Deneb and I have a question that I don’t know how to solve.
    I have a line chart made up of 2 layers.
    The first layer shows the evolution of the market index.
    The second layer shows the evolution of the price of one or more stocks that I select in a slicer.
    Objective: to create a single tooltip that shows something like:
    Date: 2024/01/01
    Index: 1500
    IBM: 120.34
    AAPL: 500.55
    MSFT: 320.55

    This is if I had selected IBM, AAPL and MSFT.
    If I had selected more or fewer companies, I would have had to show the value of each of the selected companies.

    Could you help me on this?
    Thank you so much.
    Joao Monteiro

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